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It’s Not Too Late to Assemble Your Crisis Communications Plans

In early 2020, everyone was thrown into communicating about their organization and COVID-19, most without any formal crisis communications plans. While many managed the process admirably, operating without a plan and a defined process created decision fatigue and constant, repeated chaos. This may or may not have been your scenario, but so many have shared that they were thrust into making immediate decisions and therefore assembling last-minute communication, only to repeat the scenario with new factors and information the next day. The efforts were on the fly: issue, information, assemble team, meet, get info out. Then repeat. The consistency of having key messages, the same team, the process for review and approval of messages was non-existent for many.


While things may have settled somewhat into a groove after those first few weeks from a communications standpoint, we were then forced into the info-react decision scenario once again as re-occupancy and opening businesses moved onto our horizon. Even then, it was not too late to plan. There was still plenty of communication ahead of us (little did we know how many months into the future). So, whatever the crisis or where you are in it, taking the time to pause and assemble your crisis plan will help reduce the fatigue as you move forward.


Here are some lessons learned from the pandemic and key steps you can take to ensure a smooth communications process throughout and post-crisis:

  1. Analyze: What has worked well thus far? What lessons learned can you identify that will help guide your efforts moving forward? Take some time to really look at what has and hasn’t worked.

  2. Plan: Instead of operating ad hoc, commit to actually creating a plan. Don’t confuse habit (or your recent pattern) with a true planning effort. Look closely at the team needed to help you move forward from a decision and communications standpoint, as well as take the time to identify the consistent key messages. Assemble the team. Have a process for review of information and how it is distributed.

  3. Channels: Consider your channels for distribution. While it is wise to stick with the communication mediums that are tried and true with your target audiences, such as an established and well-vetted email distribution list, does your reach need to expand at all for this next phase? For example, if you are a building owner and traditionally just communicate with a few key tenant representatives, do you need to expand the next phase of communication to all in the building and not assume the message is distributed?

  4.  Protocols: If you haven’t already established the process for communicating news and procedures related to potential crises (those you’ve identified as more likely than others to happen to your organization), develop them now. Examples include process for incident reports related to the crisis, such as who does an employee notify if there has been a worksite accident? What about violations by those not wearing proper protective equipment? After protocols are created, make sure all concerned know both the expectations and ramifications.


Some other key reminders related to crisis communications best practices include:

  1. Have a consistent spokesperson(s). Many have found it is helpful to have one person, such as the HR director, handle operational updates, while the president is the author of more of the compassionate, human element types of communication.

  2. Don’t change your core values, culture or brand at this time. Stick to your key messages. Many organizations have even organized their communications under consistent headings or themes, which makes it easy for everyone to discern the information and it helps reinforce the key messages.

  3. Communicate early and often. Tell your audience when and how you will communicate, and then follow-through. Don’t wait to respond until you have all the answers: acknowledge what you know as well as what you are working on. Transparency is key.


AOE is available to assist you with your communication plans. While there are many best practices to follow, there is no one-size fits all guidebook for navigating a crisis, so working with a team with deep expertise in crisis communications is advantageous.

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